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Copyright HATRUN Sp. z o.o., Skrzetuskiego 125, 42202 Częstochowa


Total care


We help to: 

 design new product
 optimize existing products
 find supplier in Poland 
 prepare prototype  
 check product's quality
 control packing and palleting 
 organize shipments 
 control subcontructors


wage / month (depending on complexity)



You can choos which services are the most crucial for you.

We will prepare an offer and do our best that you get what you really need. 

Just write an e-mail or call and we will be right with you. 

individualy calculated



We help to:

 find potential suppliers
plan business meetings
 organize trip in Poland
 choose the best offers 



Total care 

Choose this option if the main thing you want to do is concentrating on inventing new ideas and selling them to your customers.

We will take care about your supplying chain, starting with your new ideas. We will assist in designing product which is not only original and extraordinary but also affordable for you customers. We will find suitable producer, proper semi components and organize firs prototype. During regular production we will check quality, packing and palleting, and if necessary organize shipments.

So take your time, do what you are the best in: create, design, sell … we will do the rest to support you, and make your business successful.

Choose Total Care !


We imagine that you have  some experience on Polish market and you need only selected services which we offer. We will establish areas in which we can help you develop your business. Depending on your need and selected services we will prepare adequate offer.

Choose Custom !


This offer is traditional “agent” option. Our main goal is to find supplier in Poland for products you want to buy, choose best offers and let the producer continue cooperation with you. Additionally we will plan and organize your business trips in Poland so they are efficient and productive. This includes also finding hotels, securing transportation assistance during meetings.  

Choose Connector !